1. Martin Holbraad (UCL, Britain)
“Transcendental Reflexivity: Society as a Machine for Thinking”

2. Alexei Yurchak (UC Berkley, USA)
“Lenin’s Body and Its International Clones: Reflecting on Alternative Futures”

3. Takashi Osugi (Hitotsubashi, Japan)
“Infinitely Open but Strictly Closed: A Post-Utopian Reflexivity in Cuban Experiments in Sustainable Agriculture”

1.Casper Jensen (IT University Copenhagen, Denmark): Chair
2.Naoki Kasuga (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
3.Atsurou Morita (Osaka University, Japan)
4.Akinori Kubo (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)

What is reflexivity, or what counts as reflexivity? It is well known that the same term ‘reflexivity’ means many different things in different strands of thought. In this “comparative” endeavor, however, we don’t intend to gain an overview of theories of reflexivity, still less are we interested in examining which one is superior or more comprehensive. Rather we start tackling on the question by acknowledging that distinctive forms, or aesthetics, of reflexivity are at work in the fields we anthropologists work. Using multiple theories of reflexivity as heuristic tools, we try to carve out unique reflexivities operating in various settings in which we have often carelessly found the non-existence or immatureness of reflexivity, and to understand how each of those is both constitutive of and constituted by a distinctive mode of reality. When putting them into comparison, we do not pretend to secure a privileged position where we can be meta-reflexive about multiple reflexivities found in object level, i.e. in the fields. To do so is tantamount to forgetting the most important lesson of the reflexive anthropology in 1980s and 1990s. Instead our endeavor here is more of a translational one; putting multiple reflexivities in lateral or metaphorical, relation to one another. Our hope is that it would recursively allow us to reflect upon our own reflexivity, which is almost obsessively played out not only in daily audit proceedings but even in doing anthropology, and inspire us to imagine alternative reflexivities to come in our partly connected future.

日時:2014年11月15日(土)13:00~18:00 ※曜日を修正しました
http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/guide/campus/campus/index.html の24番が会場です。

【Ph.D ワークショップ】
於一橋大学東キャンパス 東本館・演習1番教室、113室

Martin Holbraad
10:30 趣旨説明
10:45 室越龍之介(九州大学)
12:00 ランチ
13:15 Emily Sekine(the New School University)
14:30 休憩
15:00 田中理恵子(東京大学)
16:15 終了

Alexei Jurchack,
10:30 趣旨説明
10:45 田口陽子(一橋大学)
12:00 ランチ
13:15 丹羽充(一橋大学)
14:30 休憩
15:00 難波美芸(一橋大学)
16:15 終了